ICT as Medium for Advocacy

1. How Information and Communications and Technology (ICT) has transformed the educational methodologies when you were in grade school and now in Senior High School?

  • It transformed by enhancing the learnings of students and knowledge about ICT. Visual and advancement of the technology improved the learning process of me were I am in grade school and until now I'm Senior High.

2. Consider the following for comparison.

a. The singing of the national anthem (Form a line, sing the national anthem with conductor)- when I'm in elementary the national anthem is by singing I mean no sounds or background music but today with the helps of multimedia ICT when we're singing the national anthem they always have the background music to follow.

b. Concepts notes- only paper that I've been used but today it can be type by the word or multimedia about text that I using right now
c. Presentation of visual aids- before you can only used manila paper on the visual aids and on the spot presentation and by ICT it transformed using power point and you can animate or design it.
d. Class record- before mostly teachers using the class record book to write but today it transformed using excel to easy record
e. class dismissal-it can only dismissal by saying the teachers and when the ICT transformed it by ringing the bell but it is still using the dismissal saying by the teachers
f. assignment and research- only at the papers and notebooks to submit it but by the transformed of ICT you can used ms word, multimedia and website.


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