Empowerment Technology
Blog Reflection Questions:
a. My understanding about Multimedia. Please include sample images, videos or websites you created using the link or insert button.
- it is a combination of one or more media such as text, graphics, drawings, and images, audio, video and animations. My understanding about multimedia is that computer information can b represented and it is the field concerned with the computer control.
b. How do I use Multimedia? This is the procedures you have done with the sample multimedia you posted in question number 1.
- I used multimedia by it's pictures and instructions. It can providing photos together with the instruction we can easily deliver what we want and what we need to do
- Multimedia plays an important role in today's society because it is society now all are the things is keep up with the times. The multimedia is a good way for communication because that can easy to communicate and understand what they say. After that, multimedia has animation, music, video and more of this.
Rhaizielyn L. Relosa
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