Reflection Paper


My Reflection

      ICT has helped so much in the improvement of means and speed of communication. It has become such an important part of modern life that living without it would be almost as of we're going back to our old strenuous ways of communicating with other people who are away from us. It's also a great help to us when solving real life problems.

     While that may be so, it is undeniable that ICT does have it's bad effects. It is generally believed that ICT makes a positive difference on education and learning process and it's true. It does make a good difference, but its always too much of a good thing for something to not have bad effects so naturally, ICT also has a bad effect on the learning process and to have a technology like this since it give a lot of benefits to humans as it was made to make our live an easy way of living while it keeps on developing day by day but its the puropose of this wasn't change even a little to progess ,forward and to be a useful things that human can be proud to have


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